
Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Root Canals: Not As Scary As They Sound

If your dentist has informed you that a root canal is in your future, don't worry. This type of minor dental surgery has been around for a very long time and is both safe and pain-free. To learn more about what to expect with a root canal procedure, read on.

Why Root Canals Are Necessary

The main reason for root canals is that they stop the pain. When decay or damage exposes the nerves in your tooth, the pain can be excruciating. Dental nerve pain can be difficult to deal with and the best solution is to remove the nerve. A tooth can live without a nerve so removing it can preserve the tooth while stopping the pain.

Once the root canal procedure is complete and you have fully recovered from the surgery, your dentist will take things a step further to restore the tooth to prevent further damage. In most cases, that means covering the existing tooth with a cap or crown. Porcelain crowns will give you back your attractive smile, and that tooth will cause you pain again. However, you can still get an infection in your gum if you don't take good care of your dental health.

How it Works

You and your dentist will decide on anesthesia prior to the day of the surgery. With all the choices in pain relief available, you are sure to find one that works to meet your needs. You won't feel any pain during the procedure and your dentist can provide you with a prescription for any pain after the anesthesia from the surgery begins to wear off.

For the surgery, you may opt for a numbing injection, laughing gas, or intravenous pain relief. Many people feel a small amount of discomfort after the root canal and over-the-counter meds may be sufficient to relieve that.

Once the anesthesia is working well, your dentist will isolate the area with a small pad or gauze. This helps to keep the surgical site dry. Your dentist will remove any damaged tooth material from the tooth and then a narrow, tiny canal is made to access the nerve. Then, your dentist will fill in the canal with filling material. In some cases, your dentist will fit you with a temporary crown until you return to have the remainder of the restorative work performed.

This simple procedure takes very little time and then you will be on your way home. To find out more about root canals, speak to your dentist.

About Me

Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

When I was a child and teenager, I always left the dentist's office with the great feeling of having no cavities. When I went away to college out-of-state, I had to switch to a new dentist in my area. It seemed like I was suddenly getting cavities and started wonder what my new dentist "was doing wrong". When I spoke to my mother about it, she reminded me that the reason I never had cavities when I was living it home was because she always made sure my siblings and I brushed and flossed daily and didn't eat too much sugar. I then realized that my late-night study sessions drinking sugary soda and my suddenly bad brushing habits were the true causes of my cavities. I have since learned a lot more about dental health I am eager to share with anyone who needs the advice!


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