
Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

3 Reasons Dental Care Is Even More Important While Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you may feel an excessive amount of overwhelming emotions in addition to different physical changes. From mood swings and weight gain to insomnia and fatigue, these changes are quite normal while you are carrying a new life. Even though you may deal with the emotions and buy maternity clothes to handle the extra weight, your oral health should also be a priority. Brushing and flossing and seeing your dentist may not seem important compared to you and your baby's health, but your oral health should be a cause for concern. This guide will help you understand the reasons why proper dental care is even more important while pregnant.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

During pregnancy, your body will experience many hormonal changes. One of these hormonal changes affects your gum tissue.

Throughout pregnancy, the hormones will increase blood flow to and through the gum tissue, causing them to swell and appear red and inflamed. This increased blood flow can also make your gum tissue more sensitive and irritated.

You may notice your gums are bleeding during and after brushing or flossing. Or, your gums may bleed after eating. Many women experience intense discomfort because of their swollen gums, which prevents them from brushing and flossing properly. This can lead to gum disease.

If you are pregnant and have swollen, bleeding gums, you most likely have pregnancy gingivitis, an early form of gum disease. If left untreated, this gingivitis can lead to a more serious case of periodontal disease that could be dangerous to you and your unborn baby's health.

Pregnancy Tumors

Another reason you should continue receiving proper dental care while pregnant is because of the potential growth of mouth tumors.

Small growths or bumps that appear in and on the gum tissue during pregnancy are caused by the fluctuating hormones in your body. While not cancerous in most cases, these tumors can be painful to touch. They may also pop and bleed while brushing and flossing.

Even though they are usually not dangerous, these tumors can become hot spots for food, plaque, and bacteria to build up, increasing the risk of gum disease and other dental problems.

If you notice any growths or bumps on your gums, talk to your dentist today. Also, be sure to use a soft-bristled brush and gentle motions when cleaning your teeth and gums. This will reduce the risk of irritation, ensuring the bumps do not pop and bleed.

Pregnancy Decay

If you are pregnant, you most likely have experienced nausea and vomiting at some point. An estimated 60 to 70 percent of pregnant women will vomit at some point, and this sickness does not always occur just in the morning.

The vomiting stems from feelings of nausea felt during pregnancy, and this nausea occurs for different reasons. Many pregnant women feel nauseous when eating certain foods or smelling specific odors. Mainly, pregnant women feel nauseous and vomit because of the changing hormones in their body.

No matter what the reason, the vomiting can affect your oral health.

Vomit consists of food residue and bile combined with digestive juices. These juices contain acidic properties that eat through tooth enamel and irritate the gum tissue. Throughout your pregnancy, the constant vomiting can wreak havoc on your teeth, wearing down the protective layer of enamel and causing food, acids, and bacteria to seep inside and start the process of decaying.

Regular dental care, which involves brushing, flossing, and professional dental cleanings, is essential for protecting your tooth enamel during your pregnancy.

Your dental health may not be a big cause for concern compared to other areas of your body while pregnant. However, dental care is imperative to protect your smile and underlying health. For more information on oral healthcare while pregnant, talk to a dentist at a clinic like Family Dentistry Of Woodstock today.

About Me

Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

When I was a child and teenager, I always left the dentist's office with the great feeling of having no cavities. When I went away to college out-of-state, I had to switch to a new dentist in my area. It seemed like I was suddenly getting cavities and started wonder what my new dentist "was doing wrong". When I spoke to my mother about it, she reminded me that the reason I never had cavities when I was living it home was because she always made sure my siblings and I brushed and flossed daily and didn't eat too much sugar. I then realized that my late-night study sessions drinking sugary soda and my suddenly bad brushing habits were the true causes of my cavities. I have since learned a lot more about dental health I am eager to share with anyone who needs the advice!


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