Hereditary Blood Disorders And Your Family's Dental Health
If you have been diagnosed with a hereditary or genetic blood disorder, chances are your children may be at risk for develop the same disease as well. While symptoms of hereditary blood disorders often manifest during early childhood, your child may not display symptoms until he or she is much older.
Not only can hereditary blood disorders cause systemic problems, but they can also cause local problems of the teeth and gums. If you and your child have been diagnosed with a genetic blood condition, you will both need family dentist services for complete oral examinations. Here are some symptoms of hereditary blood disorders and what you can do about them:
Profuse Bleeding During Dental Procedures
Many hereditary blood disorders involve platelet abnormalities. When your platelet levels are too low, you or your child may experience dizziness, tiredness, and loss of appetite. In addition to these symptoms, your oral examinations may reveal prolonged or excessive bleeding of your gums during routine dental procedures and cleanings.
If you or your child experiences heavy gingival bleeding during an examination, the dentist may refer you both to your physicians for further evaluation and treatment. Diagnostic testing for hereditary blood disorders include a complete blood count, or a CBC, bone marrow aspiration, imaging studies of the spleen, and blood tests to evaluate prothrombin levels.
Discoloration Of Gums And Oral Soft Tissue
If you and your child have genetic or familial blood disorders involving platelet formation, you may notice that your gums are pale or that the linings of your cheeks and surfaces of your tongues are almost white. This can indicate secondary anemia as a result of low-platelet-related internal bleeding.
If the dentist discovers pigment abnormalities in the mouth, he or she will suspect anemia or a low platelet disorder. While over-the-counter iron supplements can help reverse anemia, you and your child may need to visit a blood specialist for further evaluation and treatment options.
If you and your child have genetic or hereditary blood disorders, work with your physicians and dentists. When you and your family are monitored and treated by these healthcare professionals, you will be less likely to develop complications such as excessive bleeding during dental procedures, abnormal pigment changes inside the mouth, severe weakness and fatigue, headaches, and internal bleeding. When familial blood diseases are monitored and well managed, you are your child can look forward to many years of symptom-free living.