3 Types Of Dental Implants
If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, you may be considering dental implants. Dental implants have many amazing benefits, such as being incredibly durable. However, there are more than one type, so if you aren't sure which might be right for you, check out these three types of dental implants.
Single Dental Implant
A single dental implant consists of a titanium implant and a crown. The titanium implant is inserted in the gum to serve as the artificial root. Once the area is healed, the crown is placed. This creates one tooth that you can treat like all your other teeth. You can brush and floss around it like normal, and because the bone fuses to titanium, it has a powerful hold. A single dental implant costs about $2,400 to $3,000. The price increases if you need a bone graft or an extraction. Insurance doesn't usually pay for "dental implant surgery" but they may cover some costs, such as the extraction and crown. This type of implant is best if you have one tooth missing.
Implant-Supported Bridge
An implant-supported bridge is just like a normal dental bridge. However, instead of using healthy teeth to anchor the bridge in place, it uses implants. This means there is no strain put on healthy teeth, and the hold is more durable. With this type of implant, you typically have fewer implants than crowns, which saves you money. Therefore, it is much better to get an implant-supported bridge if you have several teeth in a row missing. You will need special floss to clean under the bridge, so you don't get peri-implantitis.
Implant-Supported Dentures
Last, if you have all your teeth missing, you may want implant-supported dentures. They also use fewer implants than fake teeth, so you save money. Like normal dentures, implant-supported ones are removable. The benefit, however, is they snap into place thanks to the implants. Therefore, while in your out, they stay still, so you can eat, laugh and talk without fear of your dentures slipping or falling out of your mouth.
Having a missing tooth affects your self-esteem, and overtime, it can change the shape of your face. Durable dental implants, however, work just like normal teeth to keep your smile and face beautiful. If you would like more information regarding dental implants or other tooth replacement options, contact a cosmetic dentist or periodontist in your area today.