
Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Saving A Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is not only painful, but it can also lead to serious complications for your mouth. For example, the crack can introduce bacteria into your tooth's root and even lead to loss of the tooth. That is why you need to act fast if you wish to save your tooth after a crack; here are some useful tips for doing that:

See Your Dentist Immediately

Ideally, you should see your dentist as soon as you realize your tooth is cracked. Just like with other dental injuries, the sooner the dentist starts treating the cracked tooth the higher your chances of saving it. There are several reasons for this; for example, prompt treatment will prevent infections from taking root in your tooth.

Prevent Further Injury and Infections

You may not always be able to see a dentist immediately your tooth is cracked. Maybe you were out hiking and you don't even know the location of the nearest dentist. In that case, the onus is on you to protect the tooth from further damage until the dentist can take over; you do this by:

  • Not trying to reattach the tooth on your own
  • Not biting down on the tooth
  • Not touching the tooth (this may introduce germs onto the injured site)

Other than these precautions, there may not be much you can do except to try and see a dentist as soon as possible.

Get the Appropriate Treatment

Ultimately, you will have to get your cracked tooth treated. The dentist will perform an initial examination to determine whether the tooth can be saved or not. Depending on the outcome of the consultation, here are some of the treatment options your dentist may advise:

Dental Filling

This option works if only a tiny part of the tooth is chipped off; the filling is used to restore the missing part. The damaged tooth may also need to be crowned to protect the remaining piece from further damage.

Dental Bonding

If the crack is minimal (for example, if it hasn't penetrated the root of the tooth) and both pieces are still in place, then dental bonding material may be used to glue them back together.

Endodontic Treatment

This option may be necessary if the crack is severe and reaches the down to the pulp. Endodontic treatment becomes even more necessary in cases of delayed treatment. The dentist may have to clean the root canal before disinfecting it and replacing your tooth. 

About Me

Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

When I was a child and teenager, I always left the dentist's office with the great feeling of having no cavities. When I went away to college out-of-state, I had to switch to a new dentist in my area. It seemed like I was suddenly getting cavities and started wonder what my new dentist "was doing wrong". When I spoke to my mother about it, she reminded me that the reason I never had cavities when I was living it home was because she always made sure my siblings and I brushed and flossed daily and didn't eat too much sugar. I then realized that my late-night study sessions drinking sugary soda and my suddenly bad brushing habits were the true causes of my cavities. I have since learned a lot more about dental health I am eager to share with anyone who needs the advice!


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