The Shedding Of Baby Teeth And How You Should Respond
As your child's teeth develop, there will certainly come a time when primary teeth become loose. Your child may complain of the discomfort associated with a wobbly tooth. As a result, you may be tempted to pull the tooth manually.
There are many home remedies available to remove a wobbly tooth, such as tying one end of a string to the tooth and the other to an open door before closing the door swiftly. Home remedies can remove a loose tooth, but they may not be the best decisions. Here is a bit of information about the shedding of baby teeth and how you should respond:
When do primary teeth start to get wobbly?
Usually, when a child is around the age of six, he or she begins to shed baby teeth. Many children shed their primary teeth quickly and naturally. However, some children shed a bit later than others. For instance, youngsters who and have disabilities that affect their development may shed their primary teeth at a later time. In addition, little girls tend to shed teeth faster than little boys.
Should primary teeth be manually removed?
It is often best to allow primary teeth to fall out on their own. Some children lose their primary teeth while they are asleep. Others may shed a tooth as they jump about and play boisterously. Another way that many children dislodge wobbly primary teeth is while chewing food.
The natural removal of a wobbly tooth is usually not painful and may be accompanied by little bleeding.
If you become anxious about the removal of a primary tooth and want to assist your child, simply encourage him or her to brush his or her teeth more often. The movement of the toothbrush against a wobbly tooth can help further loosen the tooth without causing dental trauma.
Once a tooth has been dislodged from its socket, what should be done?
After a primary tooth has been shed, you should have your little one rinse his or her mouth. In addition, if little gums are bleeding at the extraction site, you can have your child apply pressure to the area by biting on a piece of paper towel. The pressure should cause the bleeding to subside in a few moments.
Encourage the child to continue to brush and floss properly. An adult tooth will be erupting at the site where the primary tooth was lost. Thus, good oral hygiene becomes more important than ever.
To learn more about handling the shedding of primary teeth, schedule a consultation with a pediatric dentist in your area.