
Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Yes, You Still Need To Brush Your Teeth After Getting Dental Implants

If you're considering getting a dental implant, you might be thinking about how nice it will be to not have to worry about a cavity in the implant. You might also be thinking that you won't have to be as vigilant about tooth care in that area anymore, but that is far from the case. To keep your implant in the best possible condition, you must carefully brush and floss the location each day. While there are restrictions on how to care for the area right after implant surgery, you need to be vigilant about caring for the area, especially because not caring for the area can still lead to gum and bone problems.

Mucositis and Implantitis

Just as not brushing real teeth properly can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis in your gums, not brushing an implant site properly can lead to something call peri-implant mucositis. This is a common condition, and it is also very responsive to treatment. If you start developing gingivitis-like symptoms around the implant -- reddened gums, minor bleeding -- see your dentist to get treatment that will make the condition go away.

But if you don't make the mucositis go away, it can progress and become peri-implantitis. This is a more severe condition in which you have an infection in the bone plus bone loss. This is tougher to treat, and if enough bone is lost, the implant can be affected as well.

Post-op Care

After you have the first stage of the implant process done, when you have the actual implant placed in your jaw, you'll be told to avoid running a toothbrush over the site for a few days. Keep food away from the area, and if your dentist gives you a special mouthwash to use, use it. Do not avoid dental care on these days -- just modify it per your dentist's instructions.

After a few days, you'll be able to start brushing very, very gently in the area. Avoid being rough around stitches, and use non-abrasive toothpastes and brushes with soft bristles.

Long-Term Care

Get your teeth cleaned and examined on a regular basis. Do not go years without a checkup because things seem to look OK. Also, stop smoking, because smoking does lead to an increased risk of developing peri-implantitis.

Dental implants are overall a positive step in taking care of your mouth; you just have to remember that having an implant doesn't make you invincible to gum and bone problems. Talk to your dentist about proper oral care with an implant to reduce your risk of developing peri-implantitis.

To learn more, contact a company like Cumberland Periodontal Associate

About Me

Every Dentist Needs Your Help Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

When I was a child and teenager, I always left the dentist's office with the great feeling of having no cavities. When I went away to college out-of-state, I had to switch to a new dentist in my area. It seemed like I was suddenly getting cavities and started wonder what my new dentist "was doing wrong". When I spoke to my mother about it, she reminded me that the reason I never had cavities when I was living it home was because she always made sure my siblings and I brushed and flossed daily and didn't eat too much sugar. I then realized that my late-night study sessions drinking sugary soda and my suddenly bad brushing habits were the true causes of my cavities. I have since learned a lot more about dental health I am eager to share with anyone who needs the advice!


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